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Mainly clear. Low 31F. Winds light and variable.
Perhaps you have already decided you are going to use anabolic steroids, or maybe you are only toying with the idea and researching the pros and cons. Either way, you are looking for information about the best Testosterone Enanthate cycle for beginners.
If you have already made the decision to use steroids, you are on the right track. Cycling Test E is one of the best options when you are new to steroids and just starting out.
However, if you are still sitting on the fence, don't be too quick to take the plunge. As with all steroids and similar performance-enhancing drugs, using Testosterone Enanthate for bodybuilding can present significant risks including heart attacks and liver disease.
You also need to ask yourself how you feel about stabbing a needle into one of your muscles every 4-5 days. If you are squeamish about needles, Testosterone Enanthate won't be an appropriate choice.
However, when you cycle any of the alternative testosterone esters you have to be even more jab happy. In the case of Testosterone Suspension, you would have to prep your needle a couple of times a day.
When it comes to ease of use, Testosterone Enanthate is easily the best testosterone ester for beginners to use during a first cycle.
As we have already pointed out, cycling Test E has its pros and cons. It's not our place to try and influence your decision. All we are going to do in this article is provide you with information so you can make an informed choice.
During this article we will explain what Testosterone Enanthate is and list the benefits it can provide. We will detail some of the risks as well. Firstly, we have some safe alternatives to Testosterone Enanthate that are highly effective and could be considered a better option.
Now the introductions are out of the way, let's take a closer look at each of them and the things they can do.
Testo Max is a testosterone steroid substitute manufactured by Crazy Bulk. The company specializes in producing safe alternatives to steroids, SARMs , and similar performance-enhancing supplements.
Crazy Bulk products are known and respected all over the world and the company backs its entire range with a 60-day money-back guarantee.
Beginners who use Testo Max instead of doing a Testosterone Enanthate cycle can expect the following benefits:
These are not only the results Crazy Bulk promises for Testo Max they are also the results people using the supplement are reporting. Just because Testo Max is safe and legal, don't make the mistake of presuming it is lacking in power. Testo Max is a great test booster for muscle gain
The dose is four capsules per day, taken on an empty stomach. That beats a needle in the arm on any day of the week.
Crazy Bulk Testo Max has 11 key ingredients:
Some of the ingredients in Testo Max help your body to produce extra testosterone. Others keep your levels of free testosterone high by preventing it from binding with sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG).
The formulation also contains some natural energy boosters to further enhance training capacity. Testo Max is anything but a standard testosterone-boosting supplement.
In the interests of brevity, we won't try and explain the benefits every ingredient provides. We'll concentrate on a few examples instead.
D-aspartic acid appears at the top of the list, so we will look at that first. Although it sounds like a chemical, D-aspartic acid is actually an amino acid that boosts testosterone production in a roundabout way by stimulating the release of luteinizing hormone.
After its release, this important hormone acts on the testes, triggering increases in testosterone production. [1]
Like most of the best testosterone boosters, Testo Max provides vitamin D. Research to date does not show extra vitamin D increases testosterone levels, but there is evidence that a lack of it in the diet can cause testosterone levels to drop. [2]
Many men are Vitamin D deficient. It's very common so this is a good inclusion.
Zinc and magnesium are two more good inclusions. Research shows both these minerals can support increases in testosterone production. [3, 4]
Nettle Leaf doesn't boost testosterone, but it does prevent testosterone from binding with SHBG. [5]
As for the B vitamins, they provide extra vigor by helping the body extract energy from food. All the best energy drinks provide two or more members of the vitamin B family.
Safe and effective alternative to Testosterone steroids
You only need to take one dose per day
No needles or competition bans
Only available from the Crazy Bulk website
Testo Prime is another natural testosterone-boosting supplement that makes a good alternative to Testosterone Enanthate. Unlike Testo Max, this option was not designed to function as a steroid substitute, but many bodybuilders use it and report excellent results.
Testo Prime is equally popular with aging males who are battling fatigue or need something to give their sex lives a little extra oomph. Testo Prime is an excellent for men over 50 that need to increase testosterone levels
Enhances muscle growth and repair
Protects against anxiety and fatigue
Improves memory and cognitive function
The dose is four capsules per day, taken before breakfast.
Testo Prime has 12 active ingredients:
Have you noticed, D-aspartic acid is topping the list again? The formulation also provides Zinc and vitamin D. We have provided links to studies that show the value of these three ingredients. You will find them at the bottom of the page. [1, 2 3]
Panax ginseng, fenugreek, and KSM 66 also rank highly as natural testosterone boosters.
There are several types of ginseng. Panax is the best. It's valued in China as both an aphrodisiac and a life-giving herb. Evidence from clinical trials suggests much of its ability may be because of compounds called ginsenosides. [6]
Research shows fenugreek has a significant effect on male testosterone levels as well. [7]
KSM 66 is a brand of Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) extract. Ashwagandha is a very popular medicinal herb in its native country of India.
Several studies show Ashwagandha boosts testosterone. In one of them, which ran for thre months, the herb elevated the testosterone levels of the male participants by 10-22%. [8]
Provides several natural testosterone boosters
Only one dose is required per day
Does not have any known side effects
No needles or competition bans
Only available from the Testo Prime website
At the bottom of our list but still a top option, Testogen is another high-potency testosterone booster that's good for beginners who want a safe alternative to running a Testosterone Enanthate cycle.
Men who have experience using Testogen report excellent results. The reviews they leave online often mention significant muscle growth. However, as with Testo Prime, Testogen is not marketed as a steroid alternative. It's marketed toward men of all ages who are struggling with issues related to low testosterone.
Provides more energy to support better workouts
Improves muscle growth and strength
Gives you a greater zest for life
As with the other two top options, the dose is four capsules per day. You take them before breakfast.
The Testogen formulation provides the following 11 ingredients:
We have plenty of old favorites here. Testogen utilizes the proven testosterone-boosting abilities of D-aspartic acid, fenugreek, and Korean (Panax) ginseng and teams them with the SBHG-fighting capabilities of nettle leaf. [1, 5, 6, 7]
And that's just the plant extracts. The formulation provides testosterone-boosting nutrients as well including zinc, magnesium, and vitamin D. [2, 3, 4]
Provides several natural testosterone boosters
Only one dose is required per day
No needles or competition bans
Only available from the Testogen website
Before you put anything into your body, you need to know what it is, so we will begin this introduction to Testosterone Enanthate with a brief history lesson.
Testosterone became the world's first anabolic steroid back in 1935. It was extracted from the testicles of bulls.
In the following years, scientists refined their knowledge of this important steroid hormone and were able to produce synthetic testosterone.
Although athletes were quick to abuse the muscle-building potential of synthetic forms of testosterone, they were not developed for that reason.
Synthetic testosterone is meant to be used as a hormone replacement therapy for men who have low testosterone. It's a very effective treatment that can help men who are struggling with fatigue, poor concentration, low libido, and other issues related to low testosterone.
However, the doses bodybuilders use are far higher than the ones used for testosterone replacement therapy. This is a factor that only goes to increase the dangers of using synthetic testosterone for performance enhancement or muscle growth.
There are different types of synthetic testosterone, or "esters."
The four most popular ones are:
No one offers better results than the other because they are all essentially testosterone. The only difference is their speed of action and how long the benefits last.
In the next section, we will take a quick look at each of them. This will make it easier for you to understand why Testosterone Enanthate is the best option to cycle when you are a beginner.
Testosterone Suspension is one of the worst esters to cycle when you are a beginner. It's very fast acting because it's basically pure testosterone mixed with water.
However, the benefits wear off quickly too so you need to inject it two times per day. This can be particularly unpleasant because Testosterone Suspension is more viscous than the other esters. That means you have to use a bigger needle.
Although it does not present as many problems as the Suspension ester, Testosterone Propionate is another poor option to cycle when you are starting out. Even seasoned steroid users often avoid it because the injections are so painful.
Testosterone Propionate is another fast-acting ester, but not quite as fast as Testosterone Suspension.
Some beginners often consider using this ester instead of Testosterone Enanthate because they think it will reduce the overall cost of their cycle.
This is not the case. Although it costs less, you need to use more. In real terms, the cost of cycling Testosterone Propionate is around 50% higher than the cost of cycling any of the other popular testosterone esters.
Both these esters are more beginner-friendly than the previous two options but, overall, Testosterone Enanthate is the best option for a newbie running their first cycle.
These two esters are slower acting but the benefits last longer. That's why you only need to drag out the needle every 4-5 days.
Testosterone Cypionate has not been around as long as Testosterone Enanthate, but it has greater popularity with bodybuilders in the US. This is not yet the case in other parts of the world, where it is more difficult to obtain.
Steroid cycles generally last for 6-12 weeks. Each cycle is followed by a period of no steroid usage that takes the pressure off the body and allows normal function to return.
After 4-8 weeks, it's normal to repeat the cycle. Needless to say, the term "cycle" refers to this switching between periods of steroid usage and periods of rest
Unfortunately, using Testosterone Enanthate, or any other anabolic steroid, suppresses normal testosterone production and it takes quite a while for things to come back online.
That means it's not possible to just stop taking steroids. Each cycle needs to be followed by a post-cycle therapy (PCT). This involves taking supplements, drugs, or a combination of both to nurse the body through the post-cycle period.
Doing a PCT entails extra expense but it's crucial. Any bodybuilder who tries to skip it will see all their muscle gains vanish in record time and also have to endure many other undesirable issues due to low testosterone.
The best Testosterone Enanthate cycle for beginners looks like this:
As you can see, the cycle runs for seven weeks, with the dose steadily increasing every 2-3 weeks.
Don't let the cautious dosing schedule deceive you, this Testosterone Enanthate cycle for beginners can deliver significant increases in muscle mass and strength. Probably around 20 pounds of lean muscle mass in the first cycle.
Due to the quantity of intracellular fluid filling the muscle cells, beginners who use this cycle will also experience phenomenal muscle pumps.
Timing is everything when it comes to doing your PCT. You shouldn't begin it too soon and cannot do it too late. The timing depends on the half-life of the steroid. In the case of Testosterone Enanthate, you need to commence your PCT two weeks after your last dose of the steroid.
A good PCT may consist of hCG and Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) or Clomiphene (Clomid).
hCG (2000 IU, every other day for 20 days)
Novaldex (2 x 20 mg for 45 days)
Clomid 2 X 50 mg for 30 days)
Unfortunately, most of the drugs used in PCTs have unpleasant side effects. For instance, both Nolvadex and Clomid can affect vision and cause liver harm.
As with most anabolic androgenic steroids for beginners, considering running a cycle of Test E, you need to be aware of all the dangers involved.
You also need to think about what the future would be like. First of all, you would have several weeks of unpleasant injections. This would be followed by a PCT and, by the time you finish it, you probably need to be thinking of starting your cycle again.
As we have already mentioned, when you are cycling Test E for the first time, it should be possible to make a 20-pound gain in lean muscle mass.
However, there will be other benefits too because testosterone does more than build muscle. It also helps with fat burning, fights fatigue, and boosts stamina and training capability.
Even though Testosterone Enanthate is a slow-release ester, testosterone levels should spike within 1-2 days of taking the first injection.
Because of its ability to assist in fat burning and building muscle, Testosterone Enanthate is a versatile anabolic steroid that offers value during bulking and cutting cycles.
However many beginners make the mistake of overestimating the value of the steroid. Although it delivers serious improvements in physique and physical strength, it does not do it alone. You will still need to train correctly and eat the right kind of food.
Testosterone esters are not by any means among the most dangerous anabolic steroids. Although the injections can be unpleasant, they are not as harsh on the liver as an oral steroid such as Anadrol and Dianabol.
However, there are still plenty of risks involved, including liver harm. Testosterone esters may not be as bad as some of the other steroids but less risk is not the same as no risk at all.
Low to moderate doses of Testosterone Enanthate may also push up levels of LDL cholesterol. That's the bad type. If you already have elevated cholesterol, using this steroid will add to your existing cardiovascular risks.
Testosterone Enanthate can increase blood pressure as well, placing extra strain on the entire cardiovascular system and increasing the risk of heart attacks and strokes.
Less worrying side effects may include acne, oily skin, hair loss, and gynecomastia (man boobs).
We have looked at the benefits of running a Test Enanthate cycle. We have also highlighted some of the pitfalls. Now it's time to look at some of the options you could use instead.
Using anabolic steroids to enhance sporting ability or muscle growth is illegal. If you get caught, steroid usage can also secure you a swift ban from competing in competitions.
These are some of the reasons so many athletes these days are using natural alternatives to steroids instead. Of course, the risk of side effects are an influencing factor too.
Unlike anabolic steroids, natural alternatives do not take over the role of testosterone and suppress it. They encourage your body to produce extra testosterone instead. It's a different way of doing things but the results are the same.
In addition to being safer to use, all the best alternatives to Testosterone Enanthate are legal to use and will not cause problems for competing athletes.
You can also run longer cycles and, because you will be left with more testosterone instead of less, when you go off cycle there will be no need for a PCT.
1. The Role and Molecular Mechanism of D-Aspartic Acid in the Release and Synthesis of Lh and Testosterone in Humans and Rats:
2. Causal Link Between Vitamin D and Total Testosterone in Men: A Mendelian Randomization Analysis:
3. Zinc Status and Serum Testosterone Levels of Healthy Adults:
4. Magnesium and Anabolic Hormones in Older Men:
5. The Effect of Extracts of the Roots of the Stinging Nettle (Urtica Dioica) On the Interaction of Shbg With Its Receptor on Human Prostatic Membranes:
6. Effects of Panax Ginseng C.a. Meyer Saponins on Male Fertility:
7. Ethanolic Fenugreek Extract: Its Molecular Mechanisms against Skin Aging and the Enhanced Functions by Nanoencapsulation:
8. Withania somnifera Improves Semen Quality in Stress-Related Male Fertility:
Which is better: cypionate or enanthate?
Cypionate is a longer-acting steroid, which means that it stay in the body for a longer period of time. This can be beneficial because it means that you don't have to inject as often. However, some people find that cypionate can cause more side effects than enanthate.
Enanthate is a shorter-acting steroid, which means that it is cleared from the body more quickly. This can be beneficial because it means that you can space out your injections more. However, some people find that enanthate doesn't provide as much of an increase in muscle mass as cypionate does.
How long should newbies take testosterone enanthate for?
When it comes to testosterone enanthate, newbies should start off slow and gradually increase their dosage over time. The reason for this is because test enanthate can stay in your system for up to 3 weeks, so you need to give your body time to adjust to the new hormone levels.
Additionally, starting off with a lower dosage will help to minimize the risk of side effects. In general, newbies should take test E for at least 8-10 weeks before increasing their dosage.
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