Testosterone is essential for men, from the health and fitness perspective alike.
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Testosterone enanthate (TE) is a medication in the category of artificial androgen anabolic steroids. The agonist of the AR aims at androgens—testosterone and DHT—and produces an intense androgenic but average anabolic impact. Click Here to Buy Testosterone Enanthate
Testosterone is essential for men, from the health and fitness perspective alike. The anabolic hormone supports your male drive, bone density, men’s health performance, and the growth of male tissue and red blood cells.
The deficiency of the male hormone, testosterone fuels a plethora of problems in men. These problems range from poor muscle quality to male abnormalities, covering many areas revolving around overall wellbeing.
Essentially, the 1954-launched testosterone ester is a prodrug of testosterone that mainly intends therapeutic uses. It has a chemical comparison with the hormone endogenous testosterone, which is the one our body naturally produces.
The drug addresses medical concerns like low testosterone and problems led by hypogonadism. Due to its virilizing effects, it also becomes a part of hormone therapy. Available under different brand names, like Xyosted and Delatestryl, TE involves intramuscular and subcutaneous use.
From the fitness viewpoint, it’s a holy grail as it contributes to muscle-building, fat loss, muscular strength, and endurance.
Testosterone also supports women through higher muscle quality, bone density, mental performance, physical strength, and male health. Healthy amounts of the anabolic hormone keep up with musculoskeletal health as well as the circulatory system.
The overall powers of testosterone are extraordinary. And so, its absence and poor growth turn into a concern that demands immediate attention.
To regulate or perhaps, enhance its growth, people often seek out the popular testosterone-replacement therapy, called Testosterone enanthate.
You need to visit the official website to buy testosterone enanthate in its original form. Sadly, the diluted form of testosterone enanthate is available on the black market. But to get your hands on its pure composition, you need not take any risks but visit the legitimate manufacturers.
By far, testosterone enanthate is the most popular testosterone ester as a testosterone replacement. Its standard dose revolves around 200–400 mg given once every 2–4 weeks.
However, keeping its efficacy aside, testosterone enanthate generates some alarming side effects that make it a controlled drug. Yes, it is illegal to possess the medicine unless a doctor prescribes it to you. But despite its status, people overlook its negative side and commonly use it for sports performance and physique enhancement.
The tendency to produce testosterone declines with age, which could lead to impotence and other hormonal problems. Many times, people seek a higher growth of testosterone to facilitate their bodybuilding goals.
To activate the production of testosterone, men and women commonly resort to therapies like testosterone enanthate that:
You can buy testosterone enanthate from the official website of CrazyBulk without a prescription. The manufacturers offer worldwide shipping, free delivery, and massive discounts to each of their customers.
The drug is best for overcoming poor testosterone levels or the disturbing signs of its low growth. It is particularly effective for bodybuilding as it boosts muscle growth and fat burning and takes your strength to new heights!
Testosterone enanthate is available in different strengths, like 250 and 350 mg. However, you need to resort to a DEA-registered pharmacy, with a prescription, to buy the medicine.
Essentially, it is not an over-the-counter drug but a prescription drug with potential dangers and risks. To buy the legal alternative to testosterone enanthate, you should visit the official website of CrazyBulk.
A study was conducted to evaluate the impact of testosterone enanthate on health, physical power, and body composition. For that, researchers took a sample of 21 male weight trainers and divided them into two groups.
They administer 3.5 mg of testosterone enanthate/ kg of body weight in group A and a placebo in the other. The overall study lasted for 12 weeks, however, the effects were observed for the following 12 weeks as well.
As per the results, there was a substantial improvement in group A on the 1 rep max bench press. There was an equal improvement in body composition wherein they observed growth in weight, arm hypertrophy, and rectus femoris perimeter.
In addition to this, there was a reduction in the abdomen skinfold in group A as compared to group B. Moreover, there was a moderate rise in systolic blood pressure, hereditary frontal alopecia, muscle rigidity, and male drive.
However, while there were improvements in areas like muscular strength and composition, there was the emergence of some side effects as well. These include acne, mood swings, bad temper, allergic reaction, breathing problems, and chest pain.
Testosterone enanthate artificially substitutes for the need for testosterone that our body produces. It works in a similar manner and hence brings a plethora of health and fitness-related benefits to the table.
In general, the medicine is available in doses of 200, 250, 300, 350, and 400 mg. What dosage is suitable for you depends on your medical need, health condition, and tendency to tolerate Of course, these are factors that your doctor will evaluate and consider.
However, the most common doses for health and bodybuilding purposes are testosterone enanthate 250 mg and 300 mg.
Testosterone has quite a role in building and strengthening your muscles. It is a hormone that supports body recomposition and muscle regeneration that naturally favors fitness enthusiasts.
The steroid, Testosterone enanthate generates similar effects as the natural hormone, testosterone and is hence, popular in the bodybuilding circuits.
Essentially, testosterone enanthate 250 for bodybuilding is the most common dose for mass gainers. It increases nitrogen retention, which supports the body in making higher amounts of protein for the muscles to recover, grow, and maintain after intense hours of training.
Testosterone enanthate also boosts red blood cells that shoot an additional amount of oxygen to the body organs, including muscles. Through oxygen, the muscles generate ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which helps them endure the pressure and stress of grueling workouts.
Sadly, while testosterone enanthate may be the ideal alternative to natural testosterone, it has the potential to produce side effects. Some of these side effects may be mild, but some, like stroke and heart attack, are quite intimidating.
As the liver swiftly metabolizes the drug, it is only available in injection form and not oral. Moreover, it’s not taken intravenously- through the veins, as it does not absorb fully and, hence, does not work optimally.
The correct dosing of testosterone enanthate 250 involves the intramuscular insertion of a needle in a gradual but beep motion. The correct muscle to take your dose is the buttock muscle every 15- 30 days.
Buying or selling any androgenic anabolic steroid is illegal and testosterone enanthate is no exception. It is a schedule III controlled medicine in the United States and a schedule IV controlled drug in Canada. To use testosterone enanthate, you need to possess a prescription coming from a professional healthcare provider.
Testosterone enanthate half-life is 5 days. It generates optimum effects between 1-3 days with some sources claiming a 400% rise in serum testosterone within 24 hours. These sources further claim that the concentration of these androgens stays high following 3-5 days of dosing.
Considering the similar effects of testosterone cypionate, it’s natural to wonder about the difference between testosterone cypionate and enanthate.
Essentially, testosterone cypionate also addresses hypogonadism and the problems fueled by poor testosterone. It is injectable, artificial testosterone that also replaces the need for natural testosterone. However, it has a slight variation in the chemical structure because of an extra carbon atom.
Now, this atom makes the half-life of testosterone cypionate slightly longer than testosterone enanthate. I.e., if you compare testosterone cypionate vs enanthate, you will realize that the former has a half-life of 8 days. It is the eight-carbon ester that belongs to the category of long-acting testosterone.
As per a rough estimation, it takes 7-8 days to metabolize in the body. On the other hand, the latter entails a half-life of around 5 days.
According to medical experts, it can lead to liver damage. And by no means is the steroid safe for your health. Essentially, these experts further add that the medicine also holds the potential to cause liver cancer and turn fatal.
Moreover, you can undergo a serious allergic reaction, stroke, or even heart attack through overdose or prolonged usage. Hence, it is better to switch to its natural alternative like Testol 140 by CrazyBulk.
Testosterone enanthate is a source of exogenous hormones, whereas Testol 140 is a T-booster that doesn’t overwhelm your body.
Essentially, Testol 140 uses a very health-friendly approach to upgrade your natural testosterone levels, which makes the possibility of generating side effects very slim.
Moreover, in place of the synthetic substance, it uses the might of natural ingredients in clinically researched and relevant doses.
These natural T-boosters, like zinc, fenugreek, vitamin B3, and ashwagandha, increase the tendency to produce endogenous testosterone, allowing you to reap its health and fitness-related benefits like:
Testol 140 boosts nitrogen retention and encourages your body to make red blood cells. With nitrogen retention, your protein production increases, and with red blood cells, the production of ATP increases. So overall, Testol 140 generates similar effects without being harsh on your liver or generating any complications whatsoever.
Affiliate Disclosure The links contained in this product review may result in a small commission if you opt to purchase the product recommended at no additional cost to you. This goes towards supporting our research and editorial team and please know we only recommend high-quality products.
Disclaimer Please understand that any advice or guidelines revealed here are not even remotely a substitute for sound medical advice from a licensed healthcare provider. Make sure to consult with a professional physician before making any purchasing decision if you use medications or have concerns following the review details shared above. Individual results may vary as the statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA-approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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