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Which are the safest bodybuilding steroids? It's a question many bodybuilders ask. The question is especially common among people who are new to bodybuilding and hoping to get big muscle gains or cut fat in record time.
The truth is none of the steroids bodybuilders use are 100% safe. There are always risks involved.
Certain steroids are less dangerous than others but the safest course of action is not to use bodybuilding steroids at all. There are some excellent natural steroid alternatives you could use instead.
The 3 Safest Bodybuilding Steroids are:
The above 3 safe steroids are classed as legal steroids - they can produce similar results to their anabolic steroid counterpart but without risking your health.
There are stacking options available to help increase results exponentially. For example combining Testo Max and Decaduro and Dianabol creates a BULKING STACK - to build muscle fast.
Although we are starting this article on somewhat of a negative note, we are not anti-steroid. Anything but.
Some anabolic steroids can be extremely useful for treating certain diseases, such as osteoporosis and muscle wastage due to illness or prolonged periods of inactivity following accidents or surgical procedures.
There are also legal steroid alternatives that can mimic the effect of anabolic androgenic steroids with the risk of any side effect whatsoever.
There may still be risks involved but the chances of harm are less when steroids are being used under strict medical supervision.
The steroids many bodybuilders use for enhancing performance and boosting muscle growth are often attained via the black market. There is no way to be certain about the quality and there is a good chance they are the product of underground labs.
Even when bodybuilders manage to attain high-quality anabolic steroids sourced covertly from pharmaceutical companies, using them for bodybuilding is illegal. It's a practice that can secure a swift competition ban as well.
Bodybuilders who use steroids tend to use higher doses than those who are receiving steroids as a medical treatment. The use of higher doses greatly increases the chance of side effects. As does stacking ‒ a practice that involves using two or more steroids together.
Nevertheless, as we already stated, some steroids are safer than others.
Here are the 3 safest anabolic steroids to use in bodybuilding for muscle growth and fat loss. Testosterone, Anavar and Deca Durabolin can be stacked together. These safe steroids can be used in a bulking stack or a cutting cycle.
Testosterone is a steroid produced in the body. It's also an androgen sex hormone. Functioning as a steroid, it increases muscle mass and bone density. In its role as an androgen, testosterone provides men with male characteristics such as deep voices and facial hair.
Testo Max is a legal steroid alternative that can raise low testosterone levels and improve strength and muscle gains
Testosterone also benefits the body in numerous additional ways. Among other things, it increases energy, promotes healthy cognitive function, and assists fat burning.
Unfortunately, testosterone levels decline with age. Other factors, such as lifestyle choices and disease can also lower testosterone.
One way or another, low testosterone (hypogonadism) is a common problem that affects many men. Symptoms can include fatigue, loss of muscle mass, low libido, and erectile dysfunction.
Testosterone injections are an FDA-approved treatment for hypogonadism. Although the need for testosterone injections may be only temporary in some cases, many men who require testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) will need to continue the treatment for the rest of their lives.
TRT is the best example of the way testosterone injections can change life for the better. However, you need to remember the testosterone the injections provide is synthetic. It works well as a substitute for "the real thing" but is not a perfect match.
Given its ability to support muscle growth, boost energy, and assist fat burning, it's not surprising Testosterone is such a popular bodybuilding steroid.
Although it's often included in cutting stacks, testosterone offers the most value as a bulking steroid. It's very good for delivering improvements in muscle size and strength.
When injected correctly, testosterone is easily one of the safest steroids.
However, if it's not injected correctly, as with any steroid or medication, it can be very dangerous.
Although testosterone is one of the safest steroids to use in bodybuilding, it still presents risks. Even when used under medical supervision for TRT, it can cause prostate problems and other undesirable issues.
For this reason, TRT is seldom offered to men who have existing prostate problems or certain kinds of cancer. [1]
During TRT, men receiving testosterone injections are monitored for side effects such as cardiac and hepatic dysfunction.
Bodybuilders using testosterone don't have this medical safety net to fall back on. So, even though the treatment may be similar, using testosterone for bodybuilding is never going to be as safe as using it for TRT.
To make matters worse, many bodybuilders are using testosterone at much higher doses than doctors would deliver during TRT.
Testosterone steroid injections often increase blood pressure. That places extra strain on the heart. They can also cause fluctuations in HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) levels.
Fortunately, testosterone injections do not increase LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) but the fact that they lower the beneficial form is less than ideal.
The blood pressure increases and cholesterol fluctuations are generally milder than those caused by other anabolic steroids. However, if you already have blood pressure or cholesterol issues, you may want to think twice about using testosterone as a bodybuilding steroid.
Most bodybuilders who are using moderate to high doses of testosterone will experience blood pressure increases.
The severity will largely depend on the doses involved and the testosterone cycle duration. This is true for LDL cholesterol as well.
Bodybuilders considering increasing their muscle mass with testosterone steroid injections need to be aware there could be issues with water retention.
Using this steroid can also result in gynecomastia (man boobs). These side effects are due to testosterone's estrogenic nature.
To put it in simpler terms, when men inject exogenous testosterone, their bodies convert some of it to estrogen (female sex hormone).
Fortunately, it's possible to counteract the estrogenic capabilities of testosterone injections.
One way to stop it is to use a SERM (selective estrogen receptor modulator).
SERMs are chemical-based compounds that bind with estrogen receptors. After it binds with the SERM, estrogen cannot bind with estrogen receptors in the body and is no longer available to use. [2]
The situation with estrogen and SERMs is similar to the way SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin binds with testosterone, preventing it from binding with the androgen receptors in the muscle cells.
Tamoxifen and clomiphene are the two SERMs most commonly used in bodybuilding. However, although they can solve one problem, SERMs have the potential to cause side effects too.
The other way male bodybuilders can tackle estrogenic side effects is by using an aromatase inhibitor, such as Arimidex or Anastrozole.
Aromatase inhibitors work by interfering with the body's ability to convert testosterone and similar androgen hormones into estrogen and by suppressing aromatase activity. [3]
Using exogenous testosterone can present androgenic side effects as well. Some of them, such as acne and hair loss, may mainly harm self-esteem. However, prostate enlargement is also a potential androgenic side effect of testosterone injections.
When the prostate gland becomes enlarged it can make it difficult to urinate. At the other end of the scale, it can also make you need to pee more often and make it difficult to hold your water.
The steroid Dianabol was created after its inventor, Dr. Ziegler, noticed the soviet strongmen using testosterone often became reliant on urinary catheters.
Dianabol, also known as dbol is less androgenic than testosterone. It's also more anabolic. Sounds great, doesn't it? Unfortunately, Dianabol poses a greater risk of estrogenic side effects than testosterone does.
Using Dianabol instead of testosterone is more likely to cause high blood pressure and heart problems. It's also more liver toxic. Sleep disorders and nervous breakdowns are possible side effects as well.
So, although Dianabol is better than testosterone in certain ways, overall testosterone is the safest steroid to use.
In common with all the other bodybuilding steroids, when you inject testosterone, it suppresses your body's ability to produce "endogenous" testosterone.
When you stop taking the injections, your testosterone level will be extremely low and may remain so for several months.
Left untreated, this low-testosterone state will result in lethargy, rapid loss of muscle mass, mental fog, and many other undesirable issues.
For this reason, it's vitally important to follow your steroid cycle with a PCT (post-cycle therapy). This will reduce the length of the recovery period and help you avoid losing your muscle mass in record time.
A typical PCT consists of one or more drugs. Some bodybuilders use supplements as well.
Clomid, Nolvadex, and/or HCG are popular choices. However, in addition to presenting extra expense, there is a possibility they may cause side effects as well.
Anavar is a brand of Oxandrolone . It's a popular bodybuilding steroid that's taken orally.
Anvarol is a natural steroid alternative - it is used in cutting cycles and helps bodybuilders and athletes reduce body fat and retain lean muscle mass. It is an ideal natural supplement for weight loss and muscle building.
Anavar is more commonly used for cutting than it is for bulking because it enhances fat loss while also encouraging lean muscle gains.
Although it's not the only anabolic steroid that burns fat and builds muscle simultaneously, it's one of the best options.
Anavar is also one of the safest bodybuilding steroids. Again though, we must stress we are not saying this steroid is safe. Only pointing out is less risky than most other options.
It's no good expecting extreme gains during an Anavar cycle. That's not going to happen. However, muscle gains of 10-15 pounds are quite common.
Although using Anavar for bodybuilding is illegal, it's an FDA-approved treatment for certain medical conditions. Doctors often use it to treat bone pain due to osteoporosis. They also use it to encourage weight gain after infections or surgery.
Due to it being milder than most other anabolic steroids, Anavar is sometimes prescribed to women and children. It's considered a safer steroid to use because it's gentler on the system and less likely to pose a risk of masculinization
Some bodybuilders call Anavar the "the girl steroid" because it's the safest female bodybuilding steroid (in low to moderate doses).
Women who take any of the harder anabolic steroids run the risk of developing male characteristics. They may also notice their breasts become smaller while their clitorises become unusually large.
As we pointed out earlier, although Anavar is one of the safest steroids to use for bodybuilding, it is not 100% safe. Far from it, in fact. As with all oral steroids, it can be especially hard on the liver.
This may sound too extreme for a steroid that is sometimes prescribed to children. However, when children use Anavar, they do so under medical supervision. Bodybuilders who use it generally have to go it alone.
Oral steroids are bad for liver health because they are c-17 alpha alkylated. That means the liver has to process them before they can enter the bloodstream.
However, although it would be foolish to consider it liver-friendly, Anavar is safer for the liver than any of the other bodybuilding steroids.
Researchers have yet to discover why this is so but there is speculation that the kidneys may jump in on the action and lessen the strain.
Anavar alters cholesterol levels for the worse but it's not one of the prime offenders. Although it is worse for this than testosterone is, Anavar appears to have a less dramatic effect on cholesterol levels than other anabolic steroids do.
The extent Anavar affects cholesterol is dose-dependent. Taking more increases the risks. As does running longer cycles.
We've already mentioned Anavar's reputation for being the girl steroid. However, although it may be safer than some of the other bodybuilding steroids in this regard, the risk of virilization is still there.
Again, the risks of this happening increase corresponding to the dose.
Women considering taking more than 10 mg of Anavar per day, need to think twice. If they wish to protect their femininity, 10 mg per day is the absolute upper limit. It's also unwise for women to run Anavar in cycles that last longer than six weeks.
Anavar is an anabolic steroid. As soon as it hits your system, anabolic steroids begin taking over the role of testosterone. That means, girl-friendly or not, Anavar will disrupt your normal ability to produce testosterone.
Admittedly, the level of testosterone suppression will not be as great as with other steroids. Anavar does not completely shut things down. It only throws a spanner into the works.
However, if you want to keep your gains, you will still need to follow an Anavar cycle with an appropriate PCT.
Deca Durabolin is the most popular brand of the steroid Nandrolone. Like testosterone and Anavar, it's an FDA-approved treatment for certain medical conditions.
Decadura supplements are natural steroids that can help bodybuilders gain muscle safely. Quality muscle gains, increased strength and endurance, fast recovery, joint pain relief, bulking and cutting.
In addition to being useful for treating osteoporosis and muscle wasting diseases, Deca Durabolin is also good for treating anemia.
Many bodybuilders who use Deca Durabolin do so due to its reputation for being milder than most anabolic steroids. It has an equally good standing for its ability to produce notable increases in muscle size and strength.
Like testosterone, Deca Durabolin is a potent anabolic agent. However, its estrogen and androgenic properties are less notable.
As is generally the case with anabolic steroids, there have been no investigations into the value of Deca Durabolin for bodybuilding. However, there is plenty of research that proves its ability to improve muscle mass.
The results of one 16-week study, involving HIV-positive men, show the steroid produced significant increases in lean body mass. Furthermore, none of the subjects experienced any toxicity issues. [4]
Deca Durabolin also has a reputation for being one of the most heart-friendly steroids. Although it reduces HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) levels, it is only slightly worse for this than testosterone.
Due to its weak androgenic abilities, Deca Durabolin is unlikely to cause male pattern baldness, greasy skin, and acne. The risk of prostate enlargement is also far lower than that presented by most other bodybuilding steroids.
Although Deca Durabolin is widely accepted as being safer than most anabolic steroids used for bodybuilding, it still has the potential to cause health issues.
One of the main Deca Durabolin side effects is erectile dysfunction. It's so common that bodybuilders have a special name for it. They call it Deca Dick.
It's probable that Deca Dick comes about due to the steroids ability to deliver significant increases in prolactin.
Like testosterone, prolactin is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland. During pregnancy, it's the hormone that causes women's breasts to become larger and begin producing milk.
Men produce prolactin too, as do some women who are not pregnant. It's not clear why this is so, but can sometimes be the result of tumors.
In addition to causing men to experience ED, prolactin may also cause them to begin lactating but this type of response to steroids is very uncommon. [5]
Deca Durabolin’s low androgenicity may further contribute to ED. Bodybuilders who use it can experience less nitric oxide production. This can impair blood flow to the penis, making it more difficult for men to gain or retain an erection.
Some men try to avoid the dreaded Deca Dick by stacking Deca Durabolin with testosterone and/or other androgenic steroids. This may help in some cases but there are no guarantees.
We probably don't need to tell you Deca Durabolin suppresses natural testosterone production within the body. It's not the worst steroid for doing this but it suppresses testosterone levels by a significant percentage.
Research shows doses of 100 mg per week can suppress testosterone by more than 50%. Doses of 300 mg per week reduce it by 70%. Many bodybuilders who use this steroid are taking considerably more.
Taking synthetic testosterone will not cause this issue. It will help the body's natural production.
1. Risks of testosterone replacement therapy in men:
2. Selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERM):
3. What is an aromatase inhibitor and how does it work?:
4. Safety and efficacy of nandrolone decanoate for treatment of wasting in patients with HIV infection:
5. Prolactin Levels:
Bodybuilding steroids can be good for increasing muscle mass and improving body composition. There is no doubting their value as a means of attaining faster muscle growth.
However, steroids also present many dangers. Although some options are safer than others, none of the bodybuilding steroids are 100% safe.
There are legal steroid alternatives available that work extremely well. These are considered to be the safest steroids for bodybuilding. The premier steroid alternatives can increase muscle gains, increase natural testosterone production and also reduce body fat.
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