A prohormone is a chemical that acts as a precursor to a specific end hormone. That means it’s converted in the body into an anabolic hormone.
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Prohormones have come back into fashion quite a lot recently, due to the new generation that is safer and easy to obtain. Comparable to SARMs, they are a good option now. But what are the best prohormones for cutting & bulking?
In this complete guide, I’m going to tell you everything you need to know. We will talk about prohormone for cutting and mass. We will also talk about creating a prohormones stack for both of these.
In a hurry to get started?
Click here to view prohormones for sale at Behemoth Labz.
I’ll cover how the different types of modern prohormones work, along with dosing, cycling, and stacking guidance.
Plus, I’ll talk about using prohormones with SARMs, and discuss the natural prohormone alternatives you can use instead, or even stack with prohormones to increase performance & results.
A prohormone is a chemical that acts as a precursor to a specific end hormone. That means it’s converted in the body into an anabolic hormone.
Although this can happen across multiple pathways, the most important pathways that are affected are the androgenic and progestogenic receptors, followed by the estrogenic receptors.
Therefore, they are similar to anabolic steroids but require an extra step via processing through the liver to be converted into the androgens that will have a direct result on various types of receptors. This additional conversion step makes them milder than anabolic steroids.
Although all are slightly different, these are the general effects that the new breed of prohormones can deliver:
Large muscle mass gains
Denser and harder muscle gains
Higher levels of energy
Lower levels of body fat
The new generation of prohormones is different because they have better levels of absorption and better delivery system formats. They are also milder.
Also, they aren’t as problematic for the liver, because they are easier for it to process.
There are two common delivery systems:
Liposomal – a carrier for drugs used widely in nutritional supplements
Cyclosome – a trademarked technology that works as a Trojan horse that circumvents first-pass inactivation
Put it all together, and you’ve got safer prohormones that are more efficient in the body.
On the downside though, they are not as aggressive as the original prohormones, which were very close to anabolic steroid levels.
But, they definitely have a potency on a level with using single androgenic SARMs such as RAD-140.
1-Andro (1-Test, 1-DHEA) is an artificial prohormone that is converted by the liver into the androgenic steroid 1-androstenedione, 1-Test. It’s a two-step process of conversion into the active hormone.
1-Andro works by metabolizing prohormone 1-DHEA through the liver. There is confusing nomenclature around these prohormones, and you will routinely see claims around the changing into differently named metabolites that stimulate the androgen receptors.
All you need to know with 1-Andro and all of these prohormones is that there is a conversion into metabolites that works as an agonist of the androgen receptors, with the result of building muscle tone and energy levels by fooling the body into thinking it has higher levels of androgens.
Best for producing clean muscle mass
Very similar to 1-Andro, but 4-Andro also has a two-step conversion in the body to become the metabolite hormone.
Its full name is 4-Androstenediol, which shouldn’t be confused with the much weaker prohormone called 4-androstenedione.
This prohormone converts more closely to testosterone, and can therefore increase estrogen levels as a byproduct. But it is not full testosterone and is therefore a weaker partial agonist than testosterone, and in some studies, a weaker partial agonist than 1-Andro.
Overall, it’s probably the best pro hormone for mass building, although some of that will be water gain that you will lose.
Best for producing a large gains
19-Nor-Andro, or 19-Nor-DHEA, is different to the other modern prohormones because it’s actually a two-step process, making it a pre-prohormone in effect.
The two-part conversion will result in a conversion to Nandrolone. Nandrolone esters were first recognized in the 1950s, and are one of the most popular AAS in use, but importantly, mostly for medical purposes.
Although Nandrolone is highly anabolic and does affect skeletal muscle tissue, it is dose and route-dependent.
Orally, 19-Nor-Andro loses a lot of its potency, especially with the dual process conversion in the body. Therefore, despite the fact it is based on one of the most potent anabolic steroids, its end results as a prohormone are actually milder than many of the others in use.
Best for: stacking & emphasizing dry muscle gains
Epi-Andro is the most popular prohormone used for cutting. You’ll get dry, lean gains alongside an increase in activity output and a decrease in fat.
It is the mildest of the modern prohormones, due to the conversion process. It is a metabolite of DHT and testosterone, but this doesn’t reflect well once converted in the body, and research has always concluded it is a weak anabolic agent in the body.
Overall, Epi-Andro is actually best for producing higher energy output levels, and hardening muscle tissue. On its own, it’s therefore not particularly effective, especially compared to anabolic SARMs.
Best for: stacking for gains or use as a cutting agent
=>Click Here To Buy Legal Prohormones
The benefits of prohormones, in terms of bodybuilding, are going to be very similar to using androgenic SARMs.
However, in use, they aren’t as potent as SARMs due to the conversion process. Dose for dose, an androgenic SARM like RAD-140 or S-23 will be far more potent over several cycles in muscle tissue. That’s why bodybuilders, especially those using anabolic steroids, sometimes referred to them as “light steroids”.
But, that’s not the whole story. The problem with androgenic SARMs is that they deplete testosterone production. With androgenic prohormones, that isn’t such a problem. Therefore, you won’t get the same levels of depletion or conversion into estrogen.
The benefits for bodybuilders are also slightly different, but put together, prohormones offer the following:
Potential to build larger muscles
Potential for dry and harder muscle mass gains
Increase in appetite levels
High levels of energy
Better ability to burn fat
Higher levels of aggression
Also, because they are not selective androgen receptor modulators, they generally work as a partial agonist of androgen receptors more generally around the body.
This can be good or bad. It can produce better all-round results by stimulating higher levels of anabolic response. However, just like anabolic steroids, this lack of targeting can also have some side effects.
Me, I mostly use SARMs. However, once in a while I will stack a prohormone with a SARMs stack.
This gives me a more general androgen reach. It allows me to hit more angles and more goals at the same time. I will just always make sure that I have a strong PCT regime after the end of the, usually short, cycle.
You can also use them on their own. They can be a great introduction, and you will definitely see the results and feel the results pretty quickly, especially in a prohormones stack.
The dosage and cycle length selected will obviously depend on the prohormones used, and your goals. Also, your appetite for risk (side effects) feeds into your decision on dosage and cycle length.
Rough cycle and dosage guide for prohormones:
1-Andro: around 350 mg for a maximum cycle length of four weeks.
4-Andro: around 200 mg for a maximum cycle length of six weeks.
19-Nor-Andro: around 150 mg for a maximum cycle length of six weeks.
Epi-Andro: around 400 mg per maximum cycle length of eight weeks.
It’s recommended, and I’d also advise, you split the dose in half each day. Take half first thing in the morning, and the other half mid-afternoon.
That way, you will ensure you don’t get too much of a hormone spike, which can cause additional problems. By allowing the body to process it evenly throughout the day, you can minimize problems with sudden aggression problems or other side effects.
Creating A Prohormones Stack (Bulking & Cutting Stacks)
Bulking prohormone stack:
I would recommend you look at 1-Andro (1-Test) is the base for a prohormones for mass stack.
I would stack 4-Andro with it because of the contrast between the dry and hard muscle gains, and the large wet gains that 4-Andro produces.
Put those two together, and you’re creating lean, hard, and larger muscle gains. As long as you eat properly and keep working hard post cycle, then those wet gains won’t completely disappear.
For additional bulking that does not impact your testosterone levels, you could use a plant-based steroid such as Laxogenin, or you could use SARMs.
For the cutting prohormone stack:
You can go a bit longer on this, and I recommend a six or eight week cycle to burn fat, build strength, and harden up your muscle tone.
There really is no “best” when it comes to comparing these two very similar prohormone supplements.
1-Andro does produce leaner, harder, muscle gains and better androgenic increases in energy and aggression.
However, 4 -Andro builds more mass. It’s a simple fact. However, it can partly be water weight gain.
In terms of side effects and problems, 4-Andro is definitely worse. It increases estrogen and DHT levels, which can cause things like gyno, and male problems like hair loss with prolonged use.
SARMs is a term that covers a wide range of research chemicals, some of which are truly androgenic, while others aren’t. So the comparison is difficult.
But, if we look at the purely androgenic SARMs S-23, RAD-140, S-4, and LGD-4033, then we can make more of a direct comparison with prohormones, which elicit a definite anabolic response.
Both will produce an anabolic response that includes hardening and enlargement of muscle tone.
On the downside, prohormones are likely to have more general androgenic side effects and problems. We’ve already talked about increases in estrogen and DHT, and the fact that they are a partial agonist of all the androgen receptors, not just those in muscle and bone tissue.
However, SARMs tend to have a shorter half-life. Dosing with prohormones twice per day will get you potentially better results and faster, as long as you work hard.
Behemoth Labz is the company I would recommend you buy high-quality prohormones from. They sell both capsule and liquid versions of:
They also sell liquid Epistane. This is a very potent prohormone that very close to an anabolic steroid. I haven’t covered it here because of its potency and increased side effects, but should you want to explore it, then it’s available.
There are also natural prohormone alternatives, made by a company called CrazyBulk. Not as potent as androgenic prohormones, but on the upside, they are completely side effect free and mimic some of the anabolic effects.
For example, the bulking stack contains four different completely safe and natural products that mimic the effects of SARMs in prohormones.
What I love about these is they are completely safe and natural and can be even stacked with prohormones and/or SARMs to enhance the benefits of using them.
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